Concert Details
Although the music of Telemann, Bach, Corelli, and Handel was dubbed as ‘Baroque’ by later generations – a criticism of sorts, as the word refers to a misshapen pearl – we now experience their works as clean, energizing, transparent, and uplifting. Join us in a collection of luminous trio sonatas and other chamber works of this period.
Buy livestream tickets here or purchase in-person tickets at the door. Here is a link to the Concert Programme.
Featured Performers: Catharine Dochstader - flute, Cvetozar Vutev – violin, Martin Kratky – cello and Curtis Howell – harpsicord
Saturday, December 4, 2021, 7:30 pm
This performance can be viewed online or in the performance venue.
Kamloops United Church, 421 St. Paul Street
When you purchase your online ticket you will be provided with a link to view the concert. It remains valid for two weeks afterwards.
In-person tickets can be purchased at the door only. Please arrive early to facilitate this. Expect Covid protocols to be in place.
Ticket prices for the online concert: $ 15 - general, $ 10 for CMK members and students, $ 25 - front row, $ 40 - family. Ticket prices for the in-person concert (sold at the door only): $ 25 - general, $ 20 for CMK members and students. Free for children age of 12 and under.